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How to setup LNURLP Proxy using Github Pages

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If you already did the NIP5 guide skip #5 "Create a new file and dir".

  1. Buy a domain 😅

  2. Setup Domain DNS records to point to GitHub Pages:

    | Type | Host           | Answer          | TTL | Priority |
    | A    | YOURDOMAIN.COM | | 300 |          |
    | A    | YOURDOMAIN.COM | | 300 |          |
    | A    | YOURDOMAIN.COM | | 300 |          |
    | A    | YOURDOMAIN.COM | | 300 |          |
  3. Create a new github repo github.com/new

  4. -------------- If you already did nip5 start here --------------

  5. Create a new file and dir your-repo/.well-known/lnurlp/YOUR-NICK [no extension] example mine

  6. Add the content from your Alby well-known file https://getalby.com/.well-known/lnurlp/YOUR-NICK.

  7. -------------- you might already have done the below, so you might be done. Go ahead and try sending to YOUR-NICK@YOUR-DOMAIN.TLD --------------

  8. Create a new file in the root folder _config.yml and add this line

    include: [".well-known"]
  9. Navigate to github.com/[USER]/[YOUR-REPO]/settings/pages

  10. Under "Build and deployment" select "Deploy from branch" then below select "Main/Master" branch

  11. Under "Custom domain" type your naked YOURDOMAIN.COM (github might complain, ignore)

  12. Below it, check Enforce HTTPS. Sometimes this may take a few minutes to be available.